San Jose, 09/02/2025 - The International Human Rights Network Europe (RIDHE) Costa Rica echoes the work of the ProdePaz Nicaragua Network and they express their deep concern about the consequences that the recent closure of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) will have on the work of cooperation, humanitarian assistance and democratic strengthening in the region.
The International Human Rights Network Europe (RIDHE) Costa Rica echoes the work of the ProdePaz Nicaragua Network and they express their deep concern about the consequences that the recent closure of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) will have on the work of cooperation, humanitarian assistance and democratic strengthening in the region. The case of Nicaragua is an alarming example: with the closure of hundreds of CSOs and the forced exile of activists and social leaders, USAID has played an important role in supporting organizations that operate from exile in favor of democracy and respect for human rights in Nicaragua and in the rest of Latin America. Without this support, the RIDHE and Redprodepaz Nicaragua warn that support networks for human rights defenders and their social organizations will be drastically weakened, facilitating the consolidation of authoritarianism and systematic victimization in a context that currently has high rates of generalized violence and impunity, being one of the structural causes of forced displacement in the region.
The withdrawal of this support amounts to abandoning those who fight for democracy and peace, sending a dangerous message about the commitment of the international community, and in particular of the United States of America, to the protection and promotion of human rights.