With two offices in the European Union, in Brussels, Belgium and Geneva, Switzerland, we focus our efforts on creating permanent meeting spaces to promote and articulate collaborative work.
We create alliances between civil society, the public and private sector (national and international), academia, foundations and related institutions.
We promote multisectoral, intergenerational and multidisciplinary dialogue for respect for human rights.
Europe Office
Bureau Mundo-B, Rue d'Edinburgh, 26, 1050.
Brussels, Belgique.
+32 2 893 09 80
Expert in international cooperation for development. Responsible for monitoring and fulfilling the objectives and mission of RIDHE's institutional planning, with a history of more than 20 years of commitment to the observance of human rights, she was part of the international organization for migration (IOM) in Colombia and Central America.
Con experiencia en investigación sobre Derechos Humanos y violencia de género. Enfocándose particularmente en investigaciones de campo y entrevistas a víctimas y testigos para resaltar sus historias. Ha trabajado como Voluntaria en iniciativas sociales, promoviendo el desarrollo infantil y el apoyo a personas mayores. Bilingüe (español e inglés) y con habilidades en investigación y recursos humanos. Apasionada por la psicología y el impacto social.
Experta en cooperación internacional para el desarrollo. Encargada de dar seguimiento y cumplimiento a los objetivos y la misión de la planificación institucional de RIDHE, con una trayectoria de más de 20 años de compromiso con la observancia de derechos humanos, fue parte de la organización internacional para las migraciones (OIM) en Colombia y Centroamérica.
En la actualidad es encargada de planificación, coordinación, e implementación de estrategias de acompañamiento integral en casos de violaciones graves a derechos humanos y crímenes atroces donde confluyen su experiencia en derecho internacional y psicología. Está finalizando su certificación como facilitadora de Design Thinking, cuenta con amplia experiencia liderando equipos grandes y multilocales con objetivos ambiciosos en contextos de alta complejidad y coyunturas desafiantes.
Desde la RIDHE, lidera proyectos de transformación social, respuesta humanitaria en emergencia y defensa de derechos de personas defensoras de América Latina con una mirada anclada en la dignidad.
She is an intern dedicated to managing human rights projects with a solid record in social work for the inclusive education of children and adolescents. She has a degree in social work and a master's degree in international studies with organizations and international cooperation from the University of Barcelona.
She has experience working in NGOs and as a European Solidarity Corps volunteer in Adana, Turkey, where she developed skills collaborating with educational institutions to provide quality education and equitable access to all children. He has researched European Union programs and communication with stakeholders.
Experience working for financial control and control. Licensed specialist in Management Control.
From the RIDHE, he contributes to financial analysis from a focus on humanitarian assistance, coordinating with international organizations for the defense, promotion and protection of human rights.
Professional experience in the promotion and defense of human rights, with a focus on equality and gender. She has a degree in international relations, a master's degree in political science from the Free University of Brussels, Belgium and was an Erasmus fellow in European studies at the University of Applied Sciences in The Hague, the Netherlands.
He has worked as an assistant in the European Parliament. In addition, it has contributed to the promotion of civil rights by defending gender equality and the rights of migrants, LGBTQ+ people and indigenous peoples. From the RIDHE, it seeks to support the implementation of the advocacy strategy at the program and project level.
Expert in community social psychology with a focus on people in situations of forced mobility. She has a degree in psychology, pursuing a master's degree in life psychology, with a focus on positive psychology and psychological coaching. She is an advanced trainer of the Dutch psychophysical methodology “Rock and Water”, which includes a specialty to accompany girls, boys and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder.
At RIDHE, he works in the psychosocial area and coordinates alliances in Latin America and the Caribbean. In addition, it supports the evaluation area to identify, evaluate and diagnose specific needs that allow the construction and subsequent implementation of actions and projects that contribute to rebuilding the lives of children, young people and women, promoting social inclusion, emotional and physical health of populations in situations of vulnerability.
Experience in issues of gender equality, forced displacement and the right to education. Trained in law, she has two master's degrees in public international law from the University of Toulouse, France, with one specializing in international organizations and the other in human rights, security and development. In addition, she recently obtained certification in immigration and asylum law.
From the RIDHE, it has the mission of coordinating international advocacy before the United Nations for the protection, defense and promotion of rights and thus continue to support rights defenders in the region.
Specialist in international cooperation with extensive experience in coordinating organizations in Latin America, in social issues and the defense of rights with a main focus on indigenous and Afro-descendant peoples. She has a degree in diplomacy and international relations with a specialty in policies and practices for development. He has a postgraduate degree in project formulation and evaluation and a diploma in management of non-governmental organizations (NGOs).
From the RIDHE, he contributed to the development and execution of the emergency education program and then went on to contribute to programs and projects. He has focused his career on systematization and international advocacy (ASI) before the United Nations to give visibility to the multiple human rights violations in the region. With a vocation for service, he has been defending and protecting rights for more than 10 years, he has also carried out consultancy on socio-environmental issues.