Support for Organizations
of Civil Society

Civil society organizations (OSC) play an essential role in the peaceful resolution of conflicts in Latin America, especially in very unequal societies, where they help people to assert their rights, support minorities in their struggle and reinforce the action of human rights defenders (PDDH).

Its role in promoting the access to justice is increasingly important in the region, where the level of social and political conflict has increased.

Unfortunately, some organizations that operate at the local level, face obstacles to obtaining funding, and they lack the human resources and sometimes the technical capacity to respond to the needs of the population.


Since the COVID 19 crisis, the region has experienced acute economic stagnation, which has increased poverty, caused a regressive distribution of income simultaneously with the fall in GDP, the dismantling of public services and their privatization, high levels of corruption in an environment of impunity, violations of human rights, the increase of authoritarian tendencies, the persecution and criminalization of rights defenders, the repression of citizen protest, and the extension of the legal war that promotes polarization and political violence.

In addition, in some countries in the region, organizations face increasing restrictions imposed by States to obtain financial, material and human resources, as part of an attack on their space of action.

In this context, their role is fundamental to envision the necessary changes, to prevent the deterioration of the planet, to recognize the protection of living beings and human rights.

It is urgent to ensure the survival of organizations and reinforce their capacity to Response and reaction in the face of the multiple crises that the population is suffering.

RIDHE's priorities
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